Editorial Team
General Editor

Peter McCullough, BA (UCLA), PhD (Princeton), is Sohmer-Hall Fellow in English Renaissance Literature at Lincoln College, Oxford, and Professor in the Faculty of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford. He is editor of Lancelot Andrewes: Selected Sermons & Lectures (OUP, 2005); author of Sermons at Court: Politics and Religion in Elizabethan and Jacobean Preaching (Cambridge, 1998), and numerous ODNB lives of early modern clergy; he is also co-editor (with Emma Rhatigan and Hugh Adlington) of The Oxford Handbook of the Early Modern Sermon (OUP 2011). He has published many articles on early modern religious writing and its print publication. From 2010-13, Professor McCullough was a member of the Chapter of St Paul's Cathedral, as Lay Canon with portfolio for history.
Deputy General Editor

David Colclough, MA (Cantab), DPhil (Oxon), is Professor of Renaissance Studies at Queen Mary, University of London. He is the author of the ODNB life of John Donne, and the editor of John Donne’s Professional Lives (D.S. Brewer, 2003). His monograph Freedom of Speech in Early Stuart England was published by CUP in 2005. His previous experience of textual editing is as the editor of New Atlantis for the Oxford Francis Bacon. He has published extensively on manuscript miscellanies, rhetoric and political thought, and is a General Editor of the monograph series Studies in Renaissance Literature for Boydell and Brewer.
AHRC Postdoctoral Research Associate (until September 2014)

Sebastiaan Verweij, MA (Amsterdam), PhD (Glasgow), is a lecturer in English at the University of Bristol, and he was previously the postdoctoral RA on the OESJD project (Apr 2010-Sept 2014). His work on Donne’s sermons mostly involves bibliographical research, and with Peter McCullough he will be responsible for authoring the Textual Companion to the series. He also works on early modern English and Scottish book history (especially manuscript culture), and has just completed his first monograph, The Literary Culture of Early Modern Scotland: Manuscript Production and Transmission, 1560-1625 (forthcoming). He has published various articles on Scottish literature and book history. He edits the Journal of the Northern Renaissance.
AHRC Postdoctoral Research Associate (September 2014-April 2015)

Kirsty Rolfe, MA (London), PhD (London) is taking over from Sebastiaan as the AHRC Postdoctoral Research Associate for the Oxford Edition of the Sermons of John Donne until March 2015. She recently completed a PhD at Queen Mary, University of London, on the presentation of the Thirty Years' War in English pamphlets. She has previously worked as a research assistant on Volume 1 of The Correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, edited by Nadine Akkerman (Oxford University Press, forthcoming March 2015). She is an associate at the Centre for Editing Lives and Letters (CELL) at University College London.
Contributing Editors

Hugh Adlington, MA (Oxon), PhD (London), is Senior Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Birmingham. His work on Donne includes a number of journal articles and chapters in books on the formal and political aspects of Donne’s sermons, and a forthcoming monograph, John Donne’s Books: Reading, Writing, and the Uses of Knowledge. He is a contributor to the Oxford Handbook of Donne Studies, eds. D. Flynn, M. Thomas Hester, and J. Shami (Oxford University Press, 2011), and co-editor (with Peter McCullough and Emma Rhatigan) of the Oxford Handbook of the Early Modern Sermon (Oxford University Press, 2011) (to which he has also contributed a chapter, ‘Restoration, Religion, and Law: Assize Sermons 1660-1685’). He is also co-editor (with Tom Lockwood and Gillian Wright) of The Chaplain in Early Modern England: Literature, Patronage and Religion (Manchester University Press, 2013).

Katrin Ettenhuber, MA (Cantab), MPhil (Cantab), PhD (Cantab), is a Newton Trust Lecturer in the Faculty of English, University of Cambridge, and a Fellow and College Lecturer at Pembroke College, Cambridge. She held the A.H. Lloyd Junior Research Fellowship at Christ’s College, Cambridge, from 2003-2006. She is the author of Donne’s Augustine: Renaissance Cultures of Interpretation (OUP, forthcoming 2011) and co-editor, with Gavin Alexander and Sylvia Adamson, of Renaissance Figures of Speech (Cambridge, 2007). She has written articles on Donne’s sermons, Renaissance patristics, early modern rhetoric, and seventeenth-century manuscript culture.

Lori Anne Ferrell (BLS, MA, MPhil, PhD, Yale, FRHistS) is Professor of Early Modern History and Literature and Director of the Early Modern Studies Program in the School of Arts and Humanities, Claremont Graduate University (Claremont, California). She is the author of Government by Polemic: James I and the King's Preachers (Stanford UP, 1998), co-editor (with David Cressy) of Society and Religion in Early Modern England (Routledge, 2nd ed., 2006) and (with Peter McCullough) of The English Sermon Revised (Manchester UP, 1999). Her most recent monograph is The Bible and the People (Yale UP, 2009). She has guest curated two exhibits at the Huntington Library: "The Bible and the People" (2004), and "Illuminated Palaces: Extra-Illustrated Books at the Huntington Library" (2013).

Arnold Hunt is a Curator of Manuscripts at the British Library. His book, The Art of Hearing: English Preachers and their Audiences 1590-1640 (2010), is published by Cambridge University Press.

Erica Longfellow, MSt (Oxon), DPhil (Oxon), is Reader in English Literature at Kingston University. She is the author of Women and Religious Writing in Early Modern England (Cambridge, 2004) as well as several articles on religious writing, women’s writing and privacy. She is currently working on a new monograph, provisionally titled Writing Privacy in Early Modern England: The Household and Religious Life, which historicises the concept of privacy through a comparison of imaginative literature and prescriptive texts with letters, diaries, journals and other evidence of everyday usage in household relations and devotional practice. Longfellow was co-director with Elizabeth Clarke (Warwick) of Constructing Elizabeth Isham: 1609-1654, a British Academy Larger Research Project that produced an online edition of Elizabeth Isham’s manuscript autobiography (1639) and memoranda (1648). Longfellow was also Academic Supervisor on a Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Historic Royal Palaces that redesigned the visitor experience of the Tudor Palace for the five-hundredth anniversary of the accession of Henry VIII.

Mary Ann Lund, MA, MPhil, DPhil (Oxon) is Lecturer in English at the University of Leicester. From 2006 to 2009 she was Junior Research Fellow in the Humanities at Mansfield College, Oxford. She is the author of Melancholy, Medicine and Religion in Early Modern England: Reading 'The Anatomy of Melancholy' (Cambridge University Press, 2010), and has written articles on subjects including Donne, Robert Burton, John Bunyan, Sir Thomas Browne, the history of medicine, and sermon paratexts.

Mary Morrissey, MLitt (Dub.), PhD (Cantab.), is associate professor of English Literature at the Department of English Literature, University of Reading. Her monograph, Politics and the Paul’s Cross Sermons, 1588-1642 is forthcoming from Oxford University Press (2011). She has also published articles on early modern preaching and religious culture, particularly with reference to Paul’s Cross, to preaching rhetoric and to early modern women’s devotional writing.

Emma Rhatigan, MA (Oxon), DPhil (Oxon), is Lecturer in Early Modern Literature at the University of Sheffield. Her DPhil thesis examined Donne’s Lincoln’s Inn sermons and she is currently completing a monograph on preaching and religious culture at Lincoln’s Inn. She is co-editor, with Peter McCullough and Hugh Adlington, of the Oxford Handbook of the Early Modern Sermon and has written articles on Donne, early modern sermons, and the relationships between the pulpit and the stage in early modern London.

Philip West, MPhil (Cantab), PhD (Cantab), is Fellow & Tutor in English at Somerville College, Oxford, and ‘Times’ Lecturer in the Faculty of English. He is the author of Henry Vaughan’s Silex Scintillans: Scripture Uses (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001) as well as articles on early modern devotional poetry and religion. He is currently editing The Poems of James Shirley, which will be one of the first volumes of the Complete Works of James Shirley (OUP).